Keith Delvin Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible kurzusa az iTunes-ból kitört és immár elérhető a youtube-on is! Sokunk közös élménye az unalmas iskolai matematika óra. Delvin előadásai viszont kifejezetten szórakoztatóak és alkalmasak arra, hogy motiválják a matek-fóbiában szenvedőket.
Often described as the science of patterns, mathematics is arguably humanity's most penetrating mental framework for uncovering the hidden patterns that lie behind everything we see, feel, and experience. Galileo described mathematics as the language in which the laws of the universe are written. Intended to give a broad overview of the field, these five illustrated lectures look at counting and arithmetic, shape and geometry, motion and calculus, and chance and probability, and end with a mind-stretching trip to infinity.
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